3畳の道安囲い形式の茶室。畳を敷かず、プロポーションのみで和の空間をつくるコンセプト。桐箪笥など工芸の世界で使われてきた桐を建築のスケールで用い、その美質を新たなかたちで提示した。 客は連子窓の隙間から入る光の粒を茶碗の中に受け、光とともに茶を飲む趣向。
This tea house is built of paulownia wood and paper. The entrance approach is made of paper with waxed dots and its floor is covered with scraps of old roof tiles. In the tea room, the floor is matted with paulownia planks instead of tatami. The lattice is made of triangulated strips of paulownia covered with the washi paper with 3-mm-slits outside. The light filters into the space through slits with pearl-like diffusion. Guests drink matcha (powdered green tea) with particles of light in the bowl.
Installation for the Sections: Yutaka Saito Exhibition
1998, Gallery Ma, Tokyo